plan, site


Accession Number
One folded onionskin paper bearing an as-built site plan for the Bryden residence named Dalzellowlie, the plan showing the location of a paddock, open meadows, lawns, a tennis court, stable, fences, a cottage, gardens, privet hedge, and orchard. It also shows the location of the residence and drives in relation to Head Street and Lampson Street.
This is the as-built site plan for the house named Dalzellowlie, originally situated at 664 Head Street in Esquimalt, B.C. It was the former residence of John Cowper Bryden and Elizabeth Hamilton Dunsmuir (Mrs. John Bryden), who was the eldest daughter of Robert and Joan Dunsmuir. The undated plan was prepared by Musgrave & Whyte, Domminion and B.C. Land Surveyors.

Dalzellowlie was designed by J. Gerhardt Tiarks and built in 1894. The property around the house was eventually subdivided and the house was subsequently destroyed by fire on April 3, 1945. 
History of Use
This document was preapared for P.R. Brown Ltd., a Victoria, B.C. real estate and Estate managing company that adminstered the Estate of John Cowper Bryden on behalf of his three children who were his beneficiaries, John William Bryden, Robert Dunsmuir Bryden, and Joan Olive Bryden (Mrs. Alastair Douglas Macdonald). It was kept in a tin box with other docuuments in P.R. Brown's Victoria office until sometime after the death the last of the three aforementiond children at which point it was taken by family members to the Courtney, B.C. area.  
41 x 28 cm
Paper, onionskin
lower left: Bryden Estate topography 1" = 60' ; lower right: Musgrave and Whyte Dom. and B.C. Land Surveyors Suite 9 Arcade Building, Victoria, B.C.
Country of Origin

Related people/businesses/organizations
John William Bryden (owner)
Joan Olive Bryden (owner)
Robert Dunsmuir Bryden (owner)
Related Associations
Dalzellowlie (house) (Relates to)
Dalzellowlie (house) (depicts)
Related Publications
Canadian Architect & Builder, Vol. 12, No.4 April 1899. (Relates to)
A Vacation, Health, and Pleasure Resort (Relates to)
Related Objects

photograph, 2008.014.002 (is related to)

blueprint, 2014.014.023.002a (is related to)

blueprint, 2014.014.023.002b (is related to)

plan, site, 2014.014.023.004 (is related to)