Accession Number
Black and white photograph of a man, two women, and a young boy sat on rock columns with distinctive hexagonal forms. The people are all well dressed, in warm clothes.Narrative
The man depicted in this photograph is Guy Audain. His son, James Audain, is also depicted. Sitting next to Guy Audain is his sister, Margaret (Mardo) Henrietta Audain. The woman sitting behind is not yet identified. They are seated on the basalt rocks that form Giant's Causeway in Country Antrim on the north coast of Northern Ireland. Guy Audain was born nearby in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
On the back of the photograph is a postcard addressed to Miss Dola Dunsmuir, who was staying at Bisham Abbey, Marlow, Berkshire, England. The card was sent by her nephew, James (Jimmy) Audain and reads, "Dear Dola, Thank you for your letter. I hope your cold is better. Love and xx from Jimmy." The postmark is obscured but it is likely June 1912, when the James and Laura Dunsmuir family were spending the summer at Bisham Abbey.
13.7 x 8.9 cmSupport
Paper, Photographic paperInscription
On verso (the letters inside square brackets [ ] are obscured):
"Dear Dola, Thank you for your letter. I hop[e] [y]our cold is bet[ter]. Love and xx From Jimmy"
"Miss Dola Dunsmuir, Bisham Abbey, Marlo[w], Ber[ks], Eng[land]" Country of Origin
Northern Ireland