tag, shipping
tag, shipping

tag, shipping


Accession Number
One light brown cardstock shipping label. There is a reinforced perforated hole on one side with machine printing around the hole reading "Dennison's Pat Manila" There is a very faintly stamped set of letters in the right centre appearing to read "Charles James, June 2?, 1890". Handwritten in black ink in cursive font on the front of the card is "#3505 Box 48 Sm?, Dunsmuirs House, 1 Cabinet Redwood Natural Finish" There is evidence of there once having been a nail hole at each corner.
This shipping label was found in Craigdarroch's crawlspace on June 6, 1985. Order "#3505" is written on it. This is the same number that appears on numerous labels attached to the backs of sections of Craigdarroch's oak paneling that was made by A.H. Andrews & Company of Chicago, Illinois. An example of one of these labels can be seen here:  https://collection.thecastle.ca/Detail/objects/2244

The Andrews firm was the largest manufacturer of fine woodwork and furniture in the United States from 1885 to 1895. The redwood "cabinet" cited on this particular label might have been destined for Craigdarroch's smoking room, which has redwood and walnut wainscotting and doors. It might also have been destined for Craigdarroch's carriage entrance, which is also paneled  in redwood. The term "cabinet" might have another meaning in this context. It could be that the "cabinet" was a box of finished woodwork to be installed somewhere in the Castle. 
History of Use
This shipping tag was found in Craigdarroch's basement crawlspace on June 6th 1986. It was originally attached to a box associated with order "#3505", which included the order of oak paneling manufactured by A. H. Andrews and Company of Chicago, Illinois that was shipped to Victoria in the summer of 1890. At some unknown time, the label was removed from a shipping box and left in the rubble of Craigdarroch's crawlspace.     
6 x 12.2 cm
Paper, cardstock
#3505 Box 48 Sm?
Dunsmuirs House
1 Cabinet
Natural Finish

Country of Origin
United States of America

Related person/business/organization
Joan Olive Dunsmuir (owner)
Related Association
Craigdarroch (was used in)
Related Objects

tag, shipping, 993.006 (is related to)