clipping, newspaper
Accession Number
983.931 a-bDescription
a. frame; b. newspaper clipping. One framed newspaper clipping taken from page 3 of the April 16, 1889 issue of the Victoria Daily Colonist. The newsprint is sepia in colour tone and appears to have been dry-mounted onto cardstock. The clipping lies underneath a cream-coloured beveled mat. The wooden frame is painted with two bands of black with brown coloured wood between those bands. Narrative
This April 16, 1889 newspaper clipping is a notice to readers about the funeral for Hon. Robert Dunsmuir which took place later that same day.
The following article from the Victoria Daily Colonist Wednesday April 17, 1889 explains how the funeral actually transpired:
To the Memory of the Late Hon. Robert Dunsmuir
The Citizens Turn Out en Masse to Attend the Funeral Ceremonies - A Wealth of Floral Offerings.
Tuesday, the 16th day of April, 1889, will long be remembered by the residents of Victoria and of British Columbia as a day of darkness and of sorrow. From an early hour in the morning the streets were thronged with people, the residents of every part of the province having come to bid a last farewell to the man who had done so much to promote the best interests of their common home, and who showed by his deeds, for he was a man of work rather than words, the kind true heart that he ever had for the land of his adoption. Special trains arriving during the morning from Nanaimo and other points on the E. & N. Railway, brought down over a thousand more, until the streets were other fairly alive with the masses of humanity.
During the morning a steady stream of visitors was continually flowing in the direction of the Dunsmuir residence on Menzies Street, each one anxious to look for the last time upon the face of the dead.
containing the mortal remains of British Columbia’s most valued citizen, was placed in the drawing room at the left upon entering the house. It was composed entirely of metal, with a full plate glass front, and finished in imitation of rosewood. The trimmings were of massive silver, plain and elegant. A silver plate upon the face of the cover bore the simple inscription:
Died April 12th, 1889.
Aged 64 years.
The simplicity was typical of the man whose form was enclosed, and whose body, dressed as we were accustomed to see it when he was full of life and vigor in advancing the interests of the Pacific province, was so natural in its attitude of repose as to lead one to think that he had only fallen asleep. The genial, kindly face: the finely chiseled lips and square determined chin, every feature so well known and so long to be remembered, was perfect in its repose. The head rested lightly upon a pillow of roses, against the white satin linings of the casket of death.
Covering the bier as with a curtain of the purest white, were the floral offerings of sympathetic friends. Some bore the names of the senders, and many sincere expressions of sympathy and regret. Others had been laid on the coffin, or beside it, by unknown hands; the silent tributes of those who recognized in him who lay dead, virtues which it would be hard to find in another. The coffin itself was imbedded in flowers; wreaths and festoons draped the sides, and lay near it in great fragrant oils, their perfume filling the room with sweetness. At the head of the coffin, there was hung a wreath of snowdrops and white roses accompanying an expression of sympathy from Mrs. Joseph Hunter. From the Misses Jenns, there was a cross of lilies and roses; and then a magnificent wreath from Mr. J. D. Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. John Trutch had sent in token of their sympathy, a basket of blue forget-me-nots; Mrs. John Robson, a delicate bouquet of perfect calla lilies. “For the best friend I ever had” were the words upon the card bearing the name of E. G. Prior, and accompanying a magnificent wreath of white roses. A large bouquet of calla lilies, with sprays of bright green ferns, was from Mr. and Mrs. Percival Jenns; and a cross of sweet-faced pansies from Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Higgins. White and blue immortelles filled a delicate little basket, the offering of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Irving; lilies of the valley, snowdrops and tulips composed a large wreath from Mrs. D. M. Eberts, while two large crosses, sent by Mrs. Charles and Mr. R. Finlayson, were of the purest of pure white roses. At the foot of the bier was placed a magnificent anchor, upon a pedestal of immortelles, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Trutch, and also a pillow of choice cut flowers from Mr. and Mrs. Hamley. A cross of hyacinths bore the names of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Harris; while a similar cross was from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward. The delicate white blossoms of the bridal wax plant were twined about a cross from Mr. R. P. Rithet, and were also to be seen among the blossoms composing a cross from Mr. F. S. Barnard. Lieut. Governor and Mrs. Nelson sent as an expression of their sympathy a large wreath of heliotrope and white lilac; and Capt. and Mrs. John Irving, a cross of roses and lilies. Another cross composed of the same flowers was from Mrs. McNaughton Jones, and still another from Justice and Mrs. McCreight. Among the larger floral pieces was an immense broken wheel, a sickle and a harp, each beautiful in itself, and possessing, moreover, a wonderful amount of meaning, from the employees of R. Dunsmuir and Sons, San Francisco. There was also a grand wreath of flowers of every kind and color, from the employees on the Esquimalt and Nanaimo railway; and another of similar design from the employees of the Government street office and the captains of the tugs Alexander and Pilot. Messrs. Redon and Hartnagle sent in expression of their regret a large cross of pansies, roses and hyacinths, while all about the room were scattered smaller wreaths, crosses and bouquets, unmarked with the names of the givers, but fragrant with their silent sympathy. One of the largest crosses of all, was composed of flowers of all colors, and was accompanied by a card bearing the words: “From the staff of the Vancouver World, in loving memory of a dear friend and public spirited citizen.” Another beautiful offering was from the children of St. Ann’s convent. At the foot of the coffin, upon the floor, rested a large pillow of white immortelles, bordered with calla lilies, and bearing across its face in letters of blue hyacinths, the simple word “Rest”.
Long before two o’clock, the masses of sorrowing people moved as with one accord in the direction of the stricken home. All places of business in the city were closed. The flags everywhere were seen floating at half mast in honor to the memory of the dead. The streets all along the line of march were thronged, and everywhere there reigned the stillness of the dead. Several of the principal buildings were draped in black, and the expressions of public mourning were to be seen at every hand.
The members of the British Columbia Garrison Artillery: “C” battery R. C. A., with their fine band of music, St. George’s Society, St. Andrew’s and Caledonian Society, the Victoria fire department, and the employees of the C.P.N. Co., the Albion Iron Works Co., the E. & N Railway Co., and the Wellington & Nanaimo miners, with their band, assembled shortly after two o’clock on the spacious grounds surrounding the provincial government buildings, and formed into companies in preparation for the march to the city of the dead, under the direction of the marshal, Superintendent Roycraft, and his aides, Officers Lindsay and Mitten, of the city police, and Deputy Sheriff Langely
The members of the various organizations were marched through the drill shed to Menzies Street. The carriages took up their position on Quebec Street.
At 2 p.m. a short service was held at the house by Rev. P. McF. Macleod, pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church; assisted by Rev. A. Christie, of Wellington, chaplain of the mines.
The coffin was then borne from the house to the hearse, which was drawn by four coal black horses. The flowers which had filled the chamber of death with brightness and fragrance, were also carried out and deposited upon the casket and upon the hearse itself, and the sad procession moved slowly down Menzies Street to Belleville, along Belleville and around the Bay to Humboldt Street, and then to Douglas Street and along Courtenay to St. Andrew’s church, the order being as follows:
Marshal and his aides de camp.
“C” Battery Band
St. George’s Society
Pioneer Society
Ancient Order of Foresters
St. Andrew’s and Caledonian Society
Board of Trade
Victoria Fire Department
British Columbia Brigade Garrison Artillery
Officers of the Royal Navy
C.P.N. Co.’s Tug Employees and others
Albion Iron Works Employees
E. & N. Railway Employees
The Wellington Band
Wellington Workmen
Chief Sheppard and City Police
Assistant Pallbearers
Conductor Black Conductor Weldon
Conductor Coburn Mr. P. Hickey
Capt. Christensen Capt. Bendrot
Pallbearers Pallbearers
Mr. W. F. Bullen H Mr. Jos. Trutch
Mr. Joseph Hunter E Mr. Geo. Gillespie
Mr. Robert Ward A Mr. R. P. Rithet
Mayor Grant R Mr. Theo Davie, Q.C.
Hon. F. G. Vernon S Hon. John Robson
Sir M. B. Begbie, C.J. E Mr. Speaker Pooley
First Carriage - Messrs. James and Alexander Dunsmuir
Second Carriage - Messrs. J. Bryden, J. Harvey, N. P. Snowden and R. Bryden
Third Carriage - Hon. J. S. Helmcken, M.D., Dr. Hannington, Dr. J. D. Helmcken and
Dr. J. C. Davie.
Fourth Carriage - Messrs. Wm. Whyte, H. K. Prior, Jno. Croft and F. G. Little.
Clergy of all denominations
Lieut-Governor (Rep. by Mr. H. Stanton)
Puisne Judges and Mr. E. C. Baker, M. P.
Provincial Executive
Members of the Provincial Legislature
Foreign Consuls
The Aldermen of Victoria, Nanaimo and Westminster
Dominion Officials
Provincial Civil Service
Civic Officers
General Public
The procession was without doubt the longest and largest ever seen in British Columbia. Its length was estimated at a little less than one mile; while it took it over half an hour to pass a given point. Fully 1,200 men were in line, while the number of citizens and visitors upon the streets on the line of march is estimated at 10,000 to 14,000.
It was shortly after three o’clock when the sad cortege arrived at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church and the procession halted while the body was carried in and placed in front of the altar rail. The church had been draped for the sad occasion. Festoons of black crepe covered the massive organ, and were draped about the pulpit and altar rail, while the pillars of the church and the main entrance and large window were hung with the same emblems of sorrow.
As the casket was borne into the church, the organ pealed forth Meyerbeer’s grand funeral March.
The services were commenced by Rev. M. McLeod, who offered up an earnest and eloquent prayer, calling upon the Lord of Hosts to be with the widow and the fatherless in the hour of their bitterest sorrow. The lesson of the uncertainty of life was brought home to each and every one in the sacred building; and the necessity of being prepared for the dread summons of the destroying angel, impressed upon them. The blessed hope of reunion in the great beyond, where the hand of death never comes was held out to the sorrowing ones for their comfort and their support.
After the prayer, the anthem, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,” was sung by the choir of the church, with grand effect: and Rev. Mr. Christie read a portion of the 90th psalm and of the 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Macleod followed: and the services at the church were brought to a close by the singing of three verses of the 150th hymn:
Friend after friend departs:
Who hath not lost a friend?
There is no union here of hearts,
That finds not here an end:
Were this frail world our only rest,
Living or dying, none were blest.
Beyond the flight of time.,
Beyond this vale of death,
There surely is some blessed clime
Where life is not a breath,
Nor life’s affections transient fire,
Whose spark fly upward to expire.
There is a world above,
Where parting is unknown:
A whole eternity of love,
Formed for the good alone:
And faith beholds the dying here
Translated to that happier sphere.
After the services at the church, the line of march was resumed, the sad procession proceeding by way of Government Street, Fort and Cook Streets and Fairfield Road to Ross Bay Cemetery, The marching bodies of men entered by the second entrance: the carriages by the first. As the coffin was lowered from the hearse and carried to the grave, which is not far from the second entrance, on the main drive, the bank of “C” Battery played the ”Dead March in Saul”, slowly, impressively, and with wonderful effect. The coffin was lowered into the grave: and the service for the dead was read by Rev. Mr. Macleod, after which prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Christie. Then as the sod and earth fell upon the coffin and filled the grave, the hundreds of people turned sadly away, having said the last farewell to the most honored citizen of British Columbia, while out on the clear air rose, strong and full in a rich wave of melody, which rolled away and over the deep blue water, the soul-stirring notes of the Christian’s hymn played by the Wellington band.
“Nearer My God to Thee”
And so was laid to rest a man than whom no truer was ever born. A man who once a friend, was one until the end of time. A man of whom it may be said that he made his country and his friends his first and only thought. A man of iron will and gigantic intellect, used for the benefit of his fellow men. A man such as the world knows seldom, and who by his life, his struggles and the good that he has done, has won for himself the first place in the hearts of British Columbians, and has earned an honored page in the world’s history.
All the public schools were closed yesterday out of respect to the memory of the honored dead.
The fire engine and hose reel, tastefully draped in black., were not the least noticeable features of yesterday’s parade.
Hon. Robt. Beaven, leader of the Opposition, was selected as a pall-bearer, but owing to ill-health found it impossible to act.
During the progress of the funeral, the bells of all the city churches, St. Ann’s convent, and the bells on the fire halls were kept tolling.
Among the most noticeable decorations yesterday were those of St. Ann’s convent, which was literally covered with the trappings of sorrow.
The death of the Hon. Mr. Dunsmuir is the first break in the family, Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmuir during their 42 years of married life not having lost a child.
Westminster City Council was officially represented at the funeral yesterday by Ald. John Cunningham. Mayor Bate and the aldermen of Nanaimo were all present.
The greatest credit is due to Mr. Charles Hayward and to the marshal and his aides for the capable way in which every detail of the programme, yesterday, was carried out.
The funeral arrangements were under the direction of Mr. Chas. Hayward, who carried out all the sad details of the ceremony in the most perfect and satisfactory manner."
History of Use
This clipping was taken from page 3 of a copy of the Victoria Daily Colonist printed on April 16, 1889. It was mounted in this frame for The Castle Society sometime in the 1970s under the direction of Castle Society founding President James K. Nesbitt. it was displayed in the Castle's dining room and moved into the museum's storage room in about 1984. Date
April 16 1889Dimensions
34 x 24 cmMaterial
Wood; Paint; Glass; Paper, cardstockCountry of Origin